Tag Archives: September 2023 solidarity week

Solidarity banner from the squatted community of Prosfygika, Athens (Greece)

The squatted community of Prosfygika, in Athens, was the setting for 3 days of discussions on a wide range of topics that cut across the community: gentrification, anti-fascism and borders, solidarity with political prisoners, and more.
The workshop on political prisoners announced the opening of a new solidarity campaign with a comrade from the Prosfygika community, Kostas Dimalexis*, incarcerated since November 22, 2022 on similar charges to those of our comrades indicted on 8.12. We (a few French people on the move) took the opportunity of this discussion to explain the case of 8.12, its background and the call for international solidarity for the indicted comrades. We also announced our solidarity with all Palestinian, Turkish and Kurdish political prisoners, with Alfredo Cospito, with our Basque comrades and also with those locked up in the CRA.


* https://sykaprosquat.noblogs.org/post/2022/12/26/solidarity-with-the-comrade-kostas-dimalexis/

Translated from soutienauxinculpeesdu8decembre

[EN] International Solidarity Week: a big thank you to our companions around the world!

Over the past few days, dozens of collectives and companions have sent us strength and support from their territories in struggle. The result has been some wonderful expressions of solidarity and heart-warming words. This was the second call for international solidarity with the 8/12 defendants.

The first day of international support took place on April 4, 2022, on the anniversary of Libre Flot’s hunger strike against the illegal solitary confinement imposed on him by Éric Ducont-Moretti (Minister of Justice) and Jean-Marc Herbaut (Anti-terrorist Investigating Judge). It was a great success: the use of white torture against an internationalist activist had been highlighted in front of several French embassies and consulates all over Europe! And Libre Flot was released at the same time.

Because our struggles confront the same systems of domination everywhere, thank you for these gestures that break down isolation and remind us all that solidarity knows no borders, and that our freedom depends on the freedom of others.

Thank you for the strength that will see us through to the end of the trial (and beyond!). A special thought to all our comrades in prison and at the front.

Long live our struggles! Long live solidarity!


[FR] Semaine Internationale des Solidarités: un grand merci aux à nos compagnon·es du monde!

Ces derniers jours, des dizaines de collectifs et compagnon·es nous ont envoyé de la force et du soutien depuis leurs territoires en lutte. Il en ressort de beaux témoignages de solidarité et des paroles fortes qui font chaud au coeur. C’était le deuxième appel à solidarité internationale envers les inculpé·es du 8/12.

La première journée de soutien international avait eu lieu le 4 avril 2022 pour l’anniversaire de Libre Flot qui était alors en grève de la faim contre l’isolement carcéral illégal que lui imposaient Éric Ducont-Moretti (Ministre de l’Ajustice) et Jean-Marc Herbaut (Juge d’Instruction Antiterroriste). C’était une belle réussite, l’usage de la torture blanche à l’encontre d’un militant internationaliste avait été mise en lumière devant plusieurs ambassades et consulats français partout en Europe! Et Libre Flot était libéré au même moment.

Parce que nos luttes s’affrontent partout aux même systèmes de domination, merci pour ces gestes qui brisent l’isolement et rappellent à touxtes que la solidarité n’a pas de frontières et que notre liberté dépend de la liberté des autres.

Merci pour cette force qui nous accompagnera jusqu’à la fin du procès (et encore après!). Une pensée particulière à touxtes les camarades emprisonné·es et au front.

Que vivent nos luttes! Que vive la solidarité!


[IT] Settimana di solidarietà internazionale: un grande grazie ai/alle nostri/e compagni/e di tutto il mondo!

Negli ultimi giorni, decine di collettivi e compagni/e ci hanno inviato forza e sostegno dai loro territori di lotta. Abbiamo ricevuto bellissime espressioni di solidarietà e parole che scaldano il cuore. Questo è stato il secondo appello alla solidarietà internazionale nei confronti delle persone accusate l’8/12.

La prima giornata di sostegno internazionale si è tenuta il 4 aprile 2022 in occasione del compleanno di Libre Flot, che all’epoca era in sciopero della fame contro l’isolamento illegale impostogli da Éric Ducont-Moretti (ministro della Giustizia) e Jean-Marc Herbaut (giudice istruttore antiterrorismo). È stato un grande successo: l’uso della tortura bianca contro un attivista internazionalista è stato evidenziato davanti a diverse ambasciate e consolati francesi in tutta Europa! E Libre Flot è stato rilasciato nello stesso momento.

Poiché le nostre lotte si confrontano ovunque con gli stessi sistemi di dominio, grazie per questi gesti che rompono l’isolamento e ricordano a tutti/e noi che la solidarietà non conosce confini e che la nostra libertà dipende dalla libertà degli/delle altri/e.

Grazie per la forza che ci accompagnerà fino alla fine del processo (e oltre!). Un pensiero speciale a tutti i nostri compagni in carcere e al fronte.

Viva le nostre lotte! Viva la solidarietà!

ROJAVA (KURDISTAN) – « To resist is to live ! »

We, internationalists in Rojava, are keeping a close eye on the turning point that the December 8th affair represents for the criminalization of political activities and opinions in France. French justice will soon pronounce itself about whether having socialist and anarchist political convictions is a crime. If a way of life that tries to distance itself from the capitalist system, which encourages individualism and selfishness, justifies the use of psychological torture such as imprisonment, strip searches or total isolation. If people who were fighting against Daesh, not only for Middle East but for all people of the world, should be forgotten and seen as terrorist.

At a time when systemic problems are ravaging our planet, when hunger and death are being casually organized by anti-migration policies, by water deprivation and by extreme liberalism, when popular revolts broke out not long ago after Nahel’s murder, underlining the scale of the social tension and violence into which we are being thrown, the DGSI, in all its farsightedness, tries to criminalize revolutionaries and portray people who wants to fight for freedom and a better world as a terrorist. In a country governed by the rule of law, the acts of which our comrades are accused should not be the subject of terrorist charges. If the DGSI or the PNAT struggle to see valid enemies, we unfortunately have a long list to show them. There’s no need for imagination when faced with the reality of our world. What were the DGSI and the PNAT doing when the attacks against our Kurdish comrades – especially women – were being prepared? When they were being murdered in the streets of Paris?

The use of psychological torture against people because of their political opinions and experiences is in the same vein as the violence inflicted on the Gilets Jaunes, the Sainte-Soline environmentalists or the riot rebels. When political repression grows ever stronger and more systematic, it’s everyone’s duty to stand up and send a clear message:

No, those charged on December 8th do not deserve the treatment they have received, particularly imprisonment and isolation.

No, the December 8th defendants will not be forgotten.

No, we will not abandon our political ideals in the face of injustice and violence: to resist is to live.

Drop all charges and pay reparations to the December 8th defendants!

From : here

For Statement as PDF click HERE

french version : here

Artikel in der Zeitung “Autonomes Blättchen”.

Im Vorfeld des Gerichtsprozesses erschien ein längerer informativer Artikel über die 8.-Dezember-Affäre in der linksradikalen Zeitung “Autonomes Blättchen”. Er erklärt zusammenfassend einige politische Hintergründe des Falls, die vorausgehende Überwachung und allgemein, was bisher geschah. Abschließend rief der Artikel zur Beteiligung an Solidaritätsaktionen auf.

Seite 4 :Seite 4 :