Tag Archives: Draws & photos

[6/…] Some other drawings from the trial

from soutienauxinculpeesdu8decembre

Everybody hates you, man.

La juge = the Judge
Le procureur = the prosecutor
Une autre juge = another judge
Le fayot = the crawler
La scribe ? La greffière ! 🙂 = the scribe ? the clerk! 🙂

… I like to get drunk …
… who’s got the bigger one …
… go get drunk …
… it depends which way is up …
… point godwin …
… as I push you …
… of debilos …
… put two lefties in a truck with alcohol …

Hey go on! Grab the recipe and let’s get cracking!
But what do you mix it with next?


  • Do you know ACAB? What do you have against justice? (the assessor – obsessed with the police, her husband is a cop!)
  • Stop laughing! (the judge – the evil teacher)
  • Tell me about the ZAD, NDDL and the guerrilla confrontations with the mobile gendarmes… (takes a kindly voice but asks some very sly questions. She loves ZADs)

-Why does the DGSI finally authorize you to get a hunting license if you’re a terrorist?
-Well, in my opinion, they didn’t have anything, whereas for certain terrorism procedures, all you need is weapons… they were waiting for something stupid to charge us.
1 month of lockdown and all that for 1 day of airsoft and 3 of “training”.

[4/..] Some others drawings from the trial

From the 5th and 10th report on soutienauxinculpeesdu8decembre.noblogs.org
(about questions of personalities part – if you want to read more in detail, the report of soutienauxinculpeesdu8decembre were not translated because too long.

But you can use an internet translator like deepl.com or pons.com to read it.

If you want to help for translation (from french to english), please contact translation-812(a]riseup.(.)net )

How is life at the ZAD? Is there money sharing?
Do you have addiction problems? Have you thought about getting a diploma?
I don’t know what to say about myself, go ahead!
I don’t have alcohol problem, I just like to drink sometimes

just because I don’t have an alcohol problem doesn’t mean I don’t like to drink.

Deputy public prosecutor: You said something interesting while you were in custody: that you were fed up with fighting against the state, the president…
You say you’re distressed by feelings of betrayal: elaborate…

The expert speaks of rebel image with tattoos… your way of life. ..
The expert psychologist mentioned your numerous tattoos, one of which… against the police, right?
Your anti-police tattoos, they were made after your accident because of the cop, why don’t you talk about that?
Well it’s true it’s special to have tattoos, a certain provocation
Well, it’s true that cops also have tattoos… (laughs and coughs in the room)
Let’s talk about your father. I’m trying to be subtle.
-I don’t want to…
-It’s important then.
-No, really!

Deputy public prosecutor: Your father seems surprised by your actions and that you were influenced, you said no..

Did you learn anything from your arrest?

You say something interesting to the examining magistrate, that there’s a difference between those who confront the forces of law and order and those who protect animals.

– “Dangerousness”

It was an answer.

-You say you’re a living being just like the mineral and animal world

– oulala the mineral world I’m not there yet (laughs) I don’t know where the idea of the examining magistrate came from.

What is your diet?

shiny hair
the little sweater of one who votes for the right
he discreetly taps everything that goes on behind the prosecutor’s desk
doesn’t like to be looked at…
smirks when the defendants speak

-You were arrested during the yellow vests for a gas mask… but hey no sequel to the locker at least.
-I spent 36 hours here, in court…
-Yes, well, it’s not pleasant, admittedly…

-You have a good friend at the Lycée Autogéré in Paris… Yes, I insist, he don’t see you, but that’s not a legal prohibition…
-Yes, a good friend terrorized by the DGSI… he no longer dares speak with me.

-I don’t recognize myself in this case, it broke me, broke me professionally, I have forbidden ties, an assault rifle 10cm from my face, dragged by my hair, I have serious after-effects…
-I saw a psychologist in detention, it’s care, and there I was judged.
-This is an investigation, sir, not a help. It says that you were silent as if to hide your aggression or you let others do it to you. She sees you as “pissed off” and playing the rebel. When you express yourself like that, it’s very nice not to have any noise!

Not sure how smart it is for a blackbloc dressed in black to change into black.

-Playing music? Well… Yes. But it wasn’t very…
-On the subject of role-playing games: that’s playful violence, isn’t it?
-It’s called “playing”, yes.

-Do you know what your mother says about you?
-That I’m boring.
-No, that you’re the best son in the world.

[3/…] Other drawings from the trial (with translation of the text)…

from soutienauxinculpeesdu8decembre (5th oct.)

Are you working?
STASI is finished!
who are the kings?
stop coughing!
not happy
get out!
sit – stand – lie down!
do this, do that!

Jean-Michel macho at A.’s audition
he tries to be serious
macho chef laughs

The assessor: “You were talking about your traumas at the Sivens ZAD, you say you’ve experienced the best and worst things in your life, you talk about hand ripped off, rape by the police, obviously the death of Rémi Fraisse… Do you want to talk about that? No ? Is it too difficult?

Chef Michel listens red-faced as the prosecutor talks about the evil zadists

“Did you take part in the violence at Sivens? Notre Dame des Landes?

“What do you think of the actions of the forces of law and order?”

“(A) I wanted to take part in the collective, look after the animals, do DIY…”

Your trip to French Guiana, were you able to get any training in?

It was a nice trip, it’s lovely, I know how to say “tiendo” in Spanish.

Oh no, no demonstrations in the hall. If you want to applaud, I’ll get you out!
I’m not sure that’s funny.

I’m angry to be here, 10 months in Fresnes, 10 difficult months, being accused of terrorism shocks me.

That, detention, made me stop drinking… (laughs)

-You say you’re fighting racism and intolerance. What do you think about the police?

– I’m talking about intolerance in general…

-Yes, but what about the police? That could lead to tension around the police.

– Your question isn’t precise.

-When you see the police, do you want to commit acts of violence ? Are you anti-France ?

-Why go through Greece? Why go through all these stages to get to Rojava? Hotels, food, it’s cheaper to take a Paris-Turqui ticket by plane!

– in fact, it’s cheaper to share the cost of food and petrol… it all depends on how much you can spend, eh?

-You’re involved in solidarity and sharing, which is all very well. But what do you think about violence? You refused to talk about it on the pretext that the context didn’t lend itself to it.

-I’ve already said what I think. We’re not accused of any violence.

-Violence isn’t just about terrorism, it’s also about black blocks…

The lawyer: “Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to ask officer SI7… [the anonymous pseudo of a DGSI officer who refused to be in the trial, even if it was asked by the lawyer during the 2 first day of the trial, NdT) that you lived next door to Mr Julien Coupat.

-I didn’t know where he lived (thanks to the DGSI).

– A simplistic question, but… You did a memoir on war. Is there a link with terrorism? It’s all about understanding who you are. Your research into the impact of the war today (Rojava…)

-That’s got nothing to do with it, those were not historical texts, they were about care. It wasn’t research on the war. It was a memoir about how to live together.

-It’s just a reminder that our justice system dispenses justice in the name of the French people (mocking laughter from the audience).

-No reaction, security men, get them out! (some supporters leave in annoyance)

-In your letter, you talk about a “presumption of guilt”, whereas normally in law, it’s “innocence”… today, do you have this fear? Today, we’re talking about attacking institutions.
You cite Blanchard, racism, sexism, class prejudice, and I, as a judge, have to ask you, what do you think of your justice system?

-We have to be able to criticise our institutions, I’m not going to be able to continue if the supporters are taken out.

The court renders justice in the name of the French people

We’re not here today to judge your political opinions!

My question may seem simplistic to you: is there a common thread between what you’re accused of and your Masters topic?

The ZADs

What violence are you talking about?
Why are you shocked?
A way of life?

I’m not a holiday agency

Do we still have the right to discuss our institutions?

[2/…] Other drawings from the trial (with translation of the text)…

from soutienauxinculpeesdu8decembre (5th oct.)

Who’s the violent one? Not the police, surely?

If you read novels written during wartime, it’s to learn how to wage war, isn’t it?
Could you repeat the question?

The court renders justice in the name of the French people

two USB sticks, four hard drives, no, three hard drives, a SIM card, four phones, a cool poster, two more phones, twenty computers, little magazines, USB sticks, phones,… ksfdxwhigfdlwjf

it’s fucking long

I can’t take it anymore

first of all, we’re not the bad guys! it’s them who started it! stop loooooooking at us!

I would have liked to be an artiiiiist (french classical song, NdT)
to be able to do my act… (idem, Ndt)

wesh, they’re overdoing it now

we are only a correctional chamber
Maître, let’s not amuse the room
there are no forbidden words

laughter laughter laughter

hearing report

Flo… the DGSI is observing para-military training with a view to organising a guerrilla war in France…
In the conversations noted, the men’s admiration for Rojava
replica airsoft rifles discovered… hydrogen peroxide, acetone…
explosives like those found in the tactical waistcoats used on 13 November or during the attacks
this is just a comparison
the intercepted conversations are evidence of tactical mobilisation exercises
conversations about the violence to be committed if a CRS was to fall
F. wanted to learn about the security of electronic conversations and applied for a hunting licence
the searches led to the discovery of weapons, explosives or devices
This is going to be long but I need to list everything that was seized, it’s important

It wasn’t Mr Martin who saw the explosives, but the agents.
the right of defence! Point Godwin! Rights not respected? Disproportionate over-activism on the part of the defence, all they had to do was ask during the investigation
all this to avoid the heart of the case. all this to turn the trial of terrorism against the DGSI and the institution
was the hearing of these investigators essential? the defence had access to it and refused because the reasons were insignificant
the reality is that this is a strategy of the defence to divert attention, it is time to deal with the substance of the case, useless, useless!

We will continue to declare the violation of Article 6 of the rights of the defence.
the Godwin point is unbearable, everyone knows what it is, are you going to list the forbidden words? your honor, are you going to cut him off next time?
We knew that this trial would get off to a bad start, but I’m afraid now when will we have access? We’re being put off until the hearing, and then nothing!
we want to discuss the substance! but grant our request for the right of defence and let’s move on!

The Ministry dares to contest because it comes from Europe? but it’s our duty to point out the law!

[1/..] Some drawings from the trial..

From soutienauxinculpeesdu8decembre.noblogs.org

Translation :

assesseurs = assessors
juge = judge
substitut du procureur = deputy public prosecutor

le proc = the prosecutor
la substitut = the deputy (of the public prosecutor)

ouin ouin = onomatopoeia of a crying baby

M. Kempf, avocat de Flo = M. Kempf, Flo’s lawyer

(sorry, even in french i’m not able no read, NdT)