Tag Archives: 22nd December 2023 : Verdict

Appeal against court decision

translated from soutienauxinculpeesdu8decembre.noblogs.org

The six defendants sentenced to probation and registration in the FIJAIT file are appealing against the court’s decision. Five of them have been given provisional sentences into electronic bracelet for 8 to 12 months, which means that the appeal does not suspend their sentences.

Only the defendant who received a 2-year suspended sentence without being registered on the FIJAIT file did not appeal.

At the meetings with the anti-terrorist sentence enforcement judge (JAPAT : juge d’application des peines anti-terroristes) on the 15th and the 22/01/24, the latter decided to suspend the firm sentence that could be converted into a bracelet for the five convicts concerned, considering that the appeal is suspensive, despite the provisional execution required. Normally, the mention of provisional execution is added to the sentence (pronounced here by Judge Roux) precisely to prevent the appeal from suspending the sentence to be carried out.

As for the measures prescribed by the probationary suspension (duty of care, duty to work) and the prohibition on communication between the accused, the provisional execution note is maintained by the sentence enforcement judge.

In concrete terms, none of the 6 defendants (appealing) will be required to wear an electronic bracelet for the time being.

Everything now depends on the outcome of the appeal, which may take place in around 12-15 months, or even longer:

  • acquittal or sentence corresponding to the pre-trial detention already served: no new prison sentence
  • Confirmation of the December 22, 2023 verdict: between 8 and 12 months in a bracelet for the accused.
  • Or, in the worst-case scenario, the sentence handed down could be even heavier… (in particular, with a committal order).

Results of the judgment of the accused on 8 December 2020

translated from lille.indymedia (22th dec.)

After the 4 weeks of trial during which the accused battled to restore some truth in the face of the fantasy scenario of the PNAT, the judge did not keep any of their arguments and sentenced them to aberrant penalties, while the PNAT itself had acknowledged at the end of the investigation that there was no “proven project”.

More specifically:
L: 2 years probation. No Fijait (Fichier des auteurs d’infractions terroristes, terrorist offenders file, NdT).
M: Three years. 15 months suspended. Fijait.
C: 3 years including 2 suspended. Fijait.
B: 3 years suspended. Fijait.
W: 3 years 20 months suspended. Fijait
S: 4 years including 25 months suspended. Fijait.
F: 5 years including 30 months suspended. Fijait.

No warrant for committal. Coughs are forbidden to come into contact with others throughout the duration of their sentence.
F will have to go to the JAP of his department to find out if it is a farm or if he will serve his sentence under a bracelet.

M, 11 months on a bracelet.
C, 8 months on a bracelet.
W, 12 months on a bracelet.
S, 12 months on a bracelet.
F, 8 months on a bracelet or in detention depending on JAP.

When it comes to registration in the Fijait, it gives obligation to point every 3 months to the commico and ask for permission to leave the French territory for 10 years.
Registration at the Fijait is 20 years old.

The sentences are very heavy, with the judges having handed down harsher sentences than the PNAT requisitions (except for F).

This may become a case law and is further proof that we are living in the midst of an illiberal and fascist regime that ferociously represses all political and social protest. We will not let ourselves down, and we will continue to fight.

Report of the deliberation

several article translated from mastodon @soutien812 (23th dec.)


First of all, a huge thanks to the more than 200 people present in the morning to support our friends.

A warm and #solidary presence, with banners, pinata, hot drinks, t-shirts, stickers and #batucada.

The gathering will be brief, almost everyone rushes into this immense building, a pillar of state power which sits at the gate of the city of #Clichy.

The room was packed, the tension palpable.

The accused enter little by little and applause rings out as encouragement.

There are loved ones, family and friends, and also a lot of political support: #GiletsJaunes, #ecologists, #RéseauEntraideVéritéJustice, and autonomous activists.


At 10:40 AM, the hearing begins. Judge Brigitte ROUX begins by stating the rejection of ALL requests from the #Defense.

  • Citing #DGSI agents who wrote false reports? “Not necessary.”
  • The total exploitation of the hard drives on which incriminating brochures were found (to know, for example, if they had been read!) “No need, given the completeness of the debates.”
  • The declassification of #SecretDefense elements mobilized by the explosives expert from the #Paris #police headquarters? “The parties were able to debate, so no.”
  • Watching certain custody videos? “No dispute from those indicted.”

The comments made in custody have, however, indeed been contested. The lie is so grotesque that the first reactions burst out: “You’re lying!” Yes, some defendants have continually challenged the comments transcribed in the PVs. The lawyers even showed obvious omissions of certain sentences, and phantom questions and “offs” had been made.

Classic story of the production of #PoliceImpunity, here for the #DGSI.

The judge threatens the room and calls for order for the first time.


The judicial burst continues. The accused who refused to give their computer or telephone encryption keys are declared guilty. No explanation.

Then the judge offers us a little moment of #pedagogy to remedy our “misunderstanding” of the criminal definition of terrorism. She recites the article 421 of the #penal code very academically and then sink into the twisted logic of the latest #jurisprudence (#jihadism) and confirms what the #PNAT asked for, namely:

  • it is not necessary to prove a plan but only intentions to seriously disturb public order in the “more or less long term”. According to her, these claims are valid for #LibreFlot, making others guilty by “association”.

In addition to the serious logical biases, which cause a simple proximity to become an “association”, we see that even the journalists present did not understand the meaning of this judgment. David Perrotin (#Médiapart) writes that the Court considers that “the members had the intention of”. #LeMonde explains that they “were found guilty of having wanted…”

defended by the court is that it is enough for one of the members to have “terrorist intentions” to make the others guilty even if they had no knowledge of these intentions.

This delusional nuance is essential but even journalists struggle to analyze it.



As the judge pronounces: “the terrorist criminal association is therefore characterized” for all of the accused, the audience is not long to react.

The judge suspends the session and orders the room to be evacuated (then leaves accompanied by the assessors). The #police put on their gloves and begin to line up at the front of the room.

An agent from the #police headquarters is perfectly blending in: he stands at the door through which the prosecutors exit, observes the reactions in the room and take a few photos on the sly.

For almost two hours, the room is ours! The cops do not dare to violently take out the public who refuse to move, the accused threaten to leave with their lawyers and let the farce continue on its own. Even the #journalists don’t move.

This NouvelObs article describes very well the atmosphere of that moment: https://www.nouvelobs.com/justice/20231222.OBS82441/ce-proces-est-une-farce-invectives-coleres-et-evacuation-lors-de-la-condamnation-de-7-militants-d-ultragauche.html (in french)


And here comes the consecration of the judicial institution, which has monopolized the concept of Justice to serve the capitalist order: SENTENCES.

As an old Christian heritage, the infliction of punishment here is of nameless absurdity.

The Court requests jail time for almost all of the accused which can be converted into house arrests (electronic bracelet).

Registration with FIJAIT (Register of Perpetrators of Terrorist Offences) for 20 years is maintained for everyone except for one accused, “given his personality”, in other words, the least activist.

The height of filthiness is reached when the ban on communication is pronounced. The blow is very hard for Bastien and Will, inseparable friends.

Florian – 5 years including 30 months suspended sentence. Fijait.

Simon – 4 years including 25 months suspended sentence.

William – 3 years including 20 months suspended sentence.

Bastien – 3 years suspended sentence.

Camille – 3 years including 2 years suspended sentence.

Manual – 3 years including 15 months suspended sentence.

Loïc – 2 years simple suspended sentence. No Fijait.

All are also prohibited from carrying a weapon for ten years.


übersetzt von soutien812.net (30th Nov.)

Das Urteil wird verkündet. Wir laden alle Personen, Kollektive und Organisationen, die seit drei Jahren eure Unterstützung gegen diese antiterroristische Maskerade bekundet haben, zu einer solidarischen Präsenz ein.

Drei Jahre sind vergangen, in denen wir die Methoden des Antiterrorismus (in Frankreich und weltweit) angeprangert haben, die Angeklagten bei der Bewältigung der hohen Gerichtskosten unterstützt haben, Verbindungen zwischen den von der Repression betroffenen Genossinnen und Genossen hergestellt haben und die Isolation durchbrochen haben, in die uns der Staat zu sperren versuchte. Drei Jahre lang haben wir Zeugnis abgelegt, dokumentiert und gewarnt.

Heute müssen wir feststellen, dass es nur noch die rechtsextremen Medien sind, die die abstruse Darstellung der nationalen Anti-Terrorismus-Staatsanwaltschaft distanzlos unterstützen. Die schändlichen Machenschaften der DGSI, des PNAT und des Untersuchungsrichters sind ans Licht gekommen: Gefälschten Protokolle, Vertonungen, bei denen man nichts hört, die Auswahl von 0,7 % der Vertonungen, um ein gewisses Narrativ herzustellen, die Kriminalisierung grundlegender IT-Werkzeuge und vor allem die abscheuliche Gewalt, die in diesem Verfahren verübt wurde und wird (von der Überwachung über die Festnahmen und die Inhaftierung bis hin zum Prozess).

Trotz des nachgewiesenen Fehlens einer paramilitärischen Ausbildung und trotz des völligen Fehlens eines terroristischen Projekts sind die geforderten Strafen hoch: Gefängnis (auf Bewährung), Sorgfaltspflicht, FIJAIT-Eintrag (20 Jahre) und das Ziel, LibreFlot für vier Jahre ohne Bewährung ins Gefängnis zu stecken. Dies ist eine Strafhetze, die keinem Interesse der öffentlichen Sicherheit entspricht, sondern von der Radikalisierung der Justiz zeugt, die täglich zu beobachten ist.

Wir laden euch ein, die Angeklagten am 8.12. mit Freude und Solidarität zu begleiten. Wir werden Kaffee, Broschüren, Nachrichten, Lieder, ein Picknick und Musik (mit viel Rhythmus, um sich aufzuwärmen) teilen! Zögert nicht, alles mitzubringen, was vor diesem schmutzigen Gericht für Wärme sorgen könnte.

Die Verkündung dieses historischen Urteils wird darüber entscheiden, ob der Antiterrorismus auf radikale Aktivisten ausgeweitet werden kann oder nicht: von den ZADs bis zu den besetzten Häusern, von den Organisatoren von Demos bis hin zu Parteien, von der Unterstützung der Exilanten bis zum Internationalismus.

Für das Leben, für die Freiheit, Freispruch für die Angeklagten!

Mattinata di sostegno in attesa della sentenza del processo per l’operazione dell’8 dicembre 2020 (Parigi, Francia, 22 dicembre 2023)

tradotto da La Nemesi

Appello per una mattinata di sostegno il 22 dicembre dalle 09:00, in solidarietà con gli inquisiti dell’8 dicembre [2020, ndt] e contro la farsa della giustizia antiterrorismo. Questo è il giorno previsto per la sentenza, dopo le quattro settimane di processo nel mese di ottobre.

Venerdì 22 dicembre si concluderà il processo contro gli accusati dell’8 dicembre. Dopo le quattro settimane di processo a ottobre, estremamente intense per gli imputati, i giudici emetteranno il proprio verdetto. Ricordiamo che i capi d’accusa emessi dalla Parquet National Anti-Terroriste [Procura Nazionale Antiterrorismo, ndt] vanno dai 2 ai 5 anni di reclusione con pena sospesa, mentre per uno degli imputati sono stati richiesti 6 anni di reclusione con incarcerazione immediata. Riuniamoci e diamo loro il nostro sostegno!

Invitiamo tutti coloro che possono a raggiungerci davanti al TGI, a Porte de Clichy a partire dalle ore 9.00. Tutte le forme di espressione di sostegno sono benvenute: interventi, canti rivoluzionari, striscioni, volantini, musica, ecc. Contro l’antiterrorismo e il suo mondo!

Vorremmo ringraziare tutti coloro che intorno a noi stanno dando il proprio sostegno in tanti modi diversi. Senza dubbio stanno aiutando gli imputati a resistere fino alla fine. La giustizia preferirebbe non vedere questa immensa solidarietà, mettendola a tacere.

Di fronte all’estensione senza precedenti della repressione antiterroristica, facciamo appello alla solidarietà di tutte le componenti della protesta sociale. Dopo tre anni di procedura, detenzioni preventive fino a 18 mesi in isolamento e quasi quattro anni di indagini… le quattro settimane di processo sono state una farsa giudiziaria.

Un processo politico non serve a punire singoli individui, ma un movimento.

ZADistes, femministe, antifascisti, anticapitalisti, antirazzisti, anarco-punk campagnard·es – siamo tutti e tutte coinvolti!

Non dobbiamo lasciarci anti-terrorizzare!
Solidarietà con gli accusati dell’8 dicembre!


translated from soutien812.net (30th Nov.)

The judgment will be handed down. We invite all the people, groups and organizations who have shown their support over the past three years in the face of this anti-terrorist farce to attend in solidarity.

Three years we have been denouncing the methods of counter-terrorism (in France and around the world), supporting the defendants in the face of staggering legal costs, forging links between comrades targeted by the repression, breaking the isolation in which the state was trying to confine us. This is three years of bearing witness, documenting and warning about the case and its implication.

Today, it’s clear that only the far-right media are supporting the aberrant narrative of the National Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor’s Office. The shameful shenanigans of the DGSI, the PNAT and the examining magistrate have come to light: all those false minutes, those sound recordings where nothing can be heard, that selection of 0.7% of sound recordings to build a narrative, that criminalization of basic IT tools, and above all the abject violence inflicted by this procedure (from surveillance to trial, via arrests and imprisonment).

Despite the proven absence of paramilitary training and the total absence of any terrorist plans, the sentences requested by the prosecution are heavy: prison (suspended), obligation to undergo medical treatment, registration on the FIJAIT (20 years); and the aim is to send LibreFlot back to prison for 4 years. A punitive hargue that serves no public safety purpose, but which bears witness to the radicalization of the justice system that we observe on a daily basis.

We invite you to join us in solidarity with the defendants on 8/12. We’ll be sharing coffee, zines, news, songs, a picnic and (rhythmic) music to keep us warm! Don’t hesitate to bring anything you can think of to warm up the court [Tribunal de Grande Immondice = Tribunal of Big Trash, NdT].

The delivery of this historic judgment will decide whether or not anti-terrorism can be deployed against radical activism: from ZADs to squats, from head of demo [tête de cortège, in french, NdT] to parties, from support for exiles to internationalism.

For life, for liberty, release the accused!

Decisions of the 8/12 trial ; rendezvous in Paris on december 22

from expansive.info (30th Nov.)

On Friday December 22, the 7 comrades accused of terrorist intent against who knows what symbol or representative of the state, oppression or capital, are summoned to receive the decision of their trial.
Rendezvous in support of the 8/12 defendants at and in front of the Paris Tribunal, Place de Clichy on Friday December 22 at 9am.

The rendezvous is at 10am in court, to listen to the judges respond to the demands of both the prosecutors and the defense. The latter are questioning the validity of several elements of the procedure (the wiretaps before the legal proceedings, the absence of the agents who added the minutes to the file, etc.). We don’t know how long this will last: if we can say that we won’t know the decision at 10 or 11 am, the rest is just speculation. It will be possible for those who want to go and listen to the hearing (without guaranteeing that there will be room for everyone), or to stay in front.

That’s why we’re calling for a moment of support, starting at 9am, outside the court. We’ll be sharing coffee, zines, news, songs, a picnic, music (with a good beat to warm us up)… Don’t hesitate to bring anything you can think of to liven up this moment of solidarity, which aims to warm up the court [Tribunal de Grande Immonde = Tribunal of Big Trash, NdT].

As a reminder, the public prosecutor’s orders are :

  • that they do not recover the seals (computers, phones, money…).
  • registration in the FIJAIT ( Register of Perpetrators of Terrorist Offences) for 20 years.
  • Everyone banned from carrying weapons for 10 years.
  • For the 3 who refused to provide encryption keys: €1,500 fine.
  • For LibreFlot, 6 years’ imprisonment with deferred committal order.
  • For the others, from 2 years’ imprisonment with a simple suspended sentence to 5 years’ imprisonment with a 4-year suspended sentence. The 6 people concerned will not be going back to prison (even the prosecutor says so); they all have a maximum of one year’s imprisonment, which covers their pre-trial detention or will be converted into another sentence (electronic bracelet, for example).

If you want to carpool from Rennes, please write to comiterennes8decembre@riseup.net, so that we can get organized together!

If you can’t come, don’t hesitate to organize a support event in your area. The kitty is still there, and the defendants need help to pay the €10,000 owed to each of them!

For a better understanding of what’s going on, you can follow the Radio Parleur [in french] episodes which develop some of the central elements of the case.

An important article in Paris-luttes.info [in french, not translated] looks at the conditions of anti-terrorist police custody, and how psychological biases lead to false confessions.

The rest on the blogs of our supporters: [in french] https://soutienauxinculpeesdu8decembre.noblogs.org/ and soutien812.net