[Caen] Solidarity banner with the 8/12 defendants

from expansive.info (26 nov.)

From antinuk week in Caen, we wanted to express our solidarity, our strength and our rage with the defendants in the so-called December 8 case, charged with terrorist criminal association*.

The trial took place over 4 weeks in October in Paris, and the verdict is due on December 22. The prosecutor is asking for up to 6 years’ imprisonment for one of them**.
From labelling environmental activists as “eco-terrorists” to condoning terrorism for supporting the Palestinian people, the more and more fascist state is making ever greater use of the accusation of terrorism to muzzle protest.
At a time when the bourgeois justice system is seeking to make the December 8 case a precedent, we feel it necessary to express our solidarity, given that our struggles are also affected.

Solidarity in the face of repression!
Down with the State, the DGSI and the SDAT!

* For more information on the case, see here: https://solidaritytodecember8.wordpress.com/2023/09/11/what-is-the-december-8-affair/
** Daily reports on the trial, and details of the indictments, can be read here: https://paris-luttes.info/suivi-du-proces-du-8-12-17417?lang=fr (and are all readable translated into english on solidaritytodecember8.wordpress.com, NdT)

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